Complaints Policy

It is your right to complain and this feedback helps us to continually better ourselves and address areas that may need improvement.

What is defined as a complaint?

We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about our products or services.

All complaints will be acknowledged within two working days and we aim to ensure a proposed resolution is agreed to and implemented within a maximum timeframe of 15 working days. In most cases, this will be much sooner.

Lodging a complaint

  • Phone: 1300 303 375 between Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
  • Fax: 1300 300 374
  • Submit an Online Complaint: Click here
  • Submit an Email Complaint:

Minimum information required when submitting a complaint online

  • Account holder's full name
  • Account username (e.g.
  • Daytime contact phone number
  • Details of complaint - Dates, times, staff members spoken to
  • Proposed outcome
  • Ticket numbers of relevance


Step 1: Customer Service complaint flowchart

All customer service representatives have received training to help them to deal with the majority of complaints. Our main goal is to resolve your complaint straight away if contacted by phone or with a fair resolution upon your other means of contact with us.

Upon receiving your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement that it has been received as well as a reference number for your complaint within two working days. If the complaint is an online conversation, you can download a transcript of the conversation.

Step 2: Escalation to a Supervisor

If you are unsatisfied with the response from the customer service representative, you can request that your complaint be directed to a supervisor or staff member of equal standing.

If your complaint has been lodged over the phone, you may be directed to a supervisor in the first instance. In the unlikely situation that a supervisor is not available to answer your call, please allow up to four hours for them to return your call.

Some complaints are more complex than others and as such may take longer to resolve. We aim to provide a resolution at this level within five working days. We will not implement any resolution until acceptance is received from you.

Step 3: Escalation to a Manager

If the supervisor is unable to resolve your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Complaints Manager.

Once your complaint has been reviewed and investigated by the Complaints Manager, you will be offered what is considered to be a fair and reasonable resolution by SpinTel within seven working days.

Where we believe your complaint cannot be resolved within 15 working days, we will contact you to advise the reason for the delay and propose a specific timeframe for resolution.

As with previous steps, the implementation of our proposed resolution will only be conducted upon your acceptance.

Tracking a complaint

You may enquire on the progress of your complaint at any time by phoning Customer Service on 1300 303 375 and referencing your complaint ID, or replying to your email acknowledgement you would have received.

Outcome of a complaint

We will not implement an outcome or resolution unless this has been accepted by you or your representative. We will not implement an outcome or resolution unless this has been accepted by you or your representative unless it's a vexatious or frivolous complaint. We will not close your complaint without your agreement, unless we are unable to contact you after making multiple attempts to do so over a 5 day period or it's a vexatious or frivolous complaint. All complaints will be given written confirmations of the reasons of resolution.

Categories of a complaint

SpinTel has four categories for lodging your complaint, Support, Billing, Cancellations or Miscellaneous.

Urgent Complaint

A complaint is considered urgent if it falls under one of the following categories: urgent complaint flowchart

Financial Hardship - Financial hardship is defined as a situation where a customer is unable, reasonably, because of illness, unemployment or other reasonable cause, to discharge their financial obligations under their contract with the supplier and the customer reasonably expects to be able to discharge those obligations if payment and/or service arrangements were changed. Financial hardship can be of limited or long term duration.

See our Financial Hardship Policy for further information

Disconnection - If your service is about to be disconnected and/or this has happened in error.

Dangerous situations - If there is a dangerous situation affecting you or others, where SpinTel is responsible to rectify the service or issue.

Due to the serious nature of these complaints, we shall refer your complaint to an appropriate member of staff immediately. Proposed resolutions are to be offered in one business day and we aim to have acceptance (by the customer) and implementation by the second business day.

What if I wish for someone else to speak on my behalf?

If the person is not an authorised account holder, you can log in to My Account and enable access for them under 'My Users'. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 303 375 and a Customer Service Representative can do this on your behalf.

If this is not possible, please find attached below, a third party authorisation form. Please fill this out along with your complaint to authorise a third party to speak on your behalf.

Third Party Authorisation Form

Payments of Undisputed Charges

While your complaint is being investigated, you are required to pay any outstanding amounts on your bill that you are not disputing. We will not take credit management action on amounts that are part of your complaint, nor will we cancel your service just because you are making a complaint. Should your matter be complex, or require extra time to resolve, we will discuss this with you and provide you with the reasons why this is the case.

Translating and interpreting services

If English is not your first language, The Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs provide a translating and interpreting service. They can be contacted on 13 14 50.

Still not resolved?

After all attempts have been made to offer a fair and reasonable outcome, customers may seek the advice of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) as a last resort. The TIO offers independent advice for consumers who have exhausted all avenues of complaint with their telecommunications provider.

Contact details of the TIO can be found on their website:


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