By Ned McRae
Any household eyeing an FTTP NBN connection must have an NBN Connection box installed at the premise. Established by the NBN Co or, in some cases, through self-installation, the NBN Connection Box acts as the heart of the entire connection. It's where the responsibility for the NBN company starts in terms of network connectivity. Additionally, it is the device that ensures connection with internet service providers such as award-winning ISP, SpinTel.
The NBN connection box requires power as several ports perform different tasks. It also needs an Ethernet connection to a router or modem through which high-speed internet passes.
One of the ports on the NBN connection box acts as an outlet in which a router or modem is plugged. From here, the router can share the internet via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
Additionally, there is a port that allows users to plug in a phone to get access to phone services. Therefore, the NBN connection box is an interface for enabling telephone and broadband service.
The NBN connection box comes with several ports to plug network cables. The ports are broadly classified into two; UNI-V and UNI-D. The UNI-V ports support the RJ12 plug types and are mainly used to provide phone service. So if you have phone service from your service provider and request it to be delivered through UNI-V, you can connect phones in the house through this port.
The UNI-D ports, on the other hand, support RJ45 plug types such as UNI-D port cables and are mainly used to provide data and broadband services. Whenever you sign up for an NBN plan with SpinTel or any other provider, you must use a UNI-D port cable to connect your router to the NBN connection box to receive the internet connection.
The UNI-D port does not segregate on the NBN technology used to beam internet connection. The port supports all kinds of NBN connections. It supports Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) among others.
For any NBN connection type to work, one must have the NBN connection box connected to the router to get online. Therefore, the UNI-D port acts as the link between the NBN connection box and the router that beams the internet as provided by SpinTel and other internet service providers.
When the router is connected to the NBN connection box using a UNI-D port cable, the UNI-D port should blink if there is an internet connection. For example, if a device capable of handling up to 1000Mbps is plugged in, the UNI-D port should blink orange during the data transfer. Why is my uni d1 light orange? Well
, it could also mean the device connected to the UNI-D port uses 1Gbps Ethernet.
On the other hand, if a device capable of transferring between 10Mbps and 100Mbps is plugged in, the UNI-D port should flash green during the data transfer. The UNI-D port will also flash green if the device connected uses between 10Mbps to 100Mbps Ethernet.
While the NBN connection box comes with several UNI-D ports, only one is activated for use by an NBN provider such as SpinTel at any given time. This is because the NBN service provider must activate at least one of the ports for it to provide an internet connection to the router.
Additionally, there are several reasons why the UNI-D port 2 might not work if it is activated by an internet service provider such as SpinTel. For example, sometimes, the UNI-D port light might not come up immediately as the router retrieves and saves the required settings from the provider during the setup process.
It is essential to wait up to 30 minutes after the initial connection between the router and the NBN connection for the router to retrieve all the data. When the setup process is complete, the internet light in the UNI-D port should flash. If it does not, it means some issues need immediate addressing.
If there is no light on the UNI-D port, it could indicate that the NBN connection box is not detecting the router. The issue could be due to a faulty UNI-D port cable not being able to establish a connection between the two devices. Additionally, the UNI-D port NBN could have some issues, therefore being unable to enable connection through the cable.
In addition, the UNI-D port not working could result from the serial number of the NBN connection box not matching the one registered with the service provider such as SpinTel. In this case, contacting the NBN service provider is crucial to ensure the serial number matches. Additionally, the service provider would confirm which port is activated to connect with the router.
NBN offers the preferred means of enjoying high-speed internet connection across Australia. When connected to a reputable and reliable provider such as SpinTel, one can rest assured of congestion-free NBN connections. However, the connection between the NBN box and the router for the beaming internet in the house should be perfect.
The UNI-D port cable should ensure a solid connection between the router and the NBN connection box that brings internet to the premises from the service provider. Additionally, the UNI-D port should blink, affirming the connection between the two. If the UNI-D port 2 is not working, it would be impossible to get an internet connection until all the underlying issues are addressed.