stylised phone with 5g written within it

Is it Worth Getting a New Phone for 5G?

By Ned McRae

Navigating the whirlwind of technological advancements in today's digital age is no small feat. As we delve further into this exciting era, we are presented with new innovations and improvements, each more impressive than the last. One such revolution that has taken center stage in recent years is the advent of 5G - the fifth iteration of mobile network technology. Touted as a game-changer, 5G promises to redefine mobile connectivity with its breakneck download and upload speeds, enhanced reliability, and dramatically reduced latency, all of which are leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessor, 4G.

With such significant improvements on offer, the question many consumers find themselves asking is, "Should I upgrade my phone to a 5G model to harness the full power of this revolutionary technology?" It's a valid query, considering the investment involved and the potential benefits promised. However, the answer isn't as straightforward as one might think.

To navigate this complex decision, it's essential to delve beneath the surface and explore both the advantages and potential drawbacks of making the leap to 5G. After all, informed decisions are the bedrock of wise consumerism. This introductory exploration aims to shed light on the key aspects you should consider, weighing the pros and cons, to help you decide whether a 5G upgrade is the right move for you. So, let's embark on this journey of technological exploration together, to help you make a choice that aligns with your needs, expectations, and lifestyle.

The Pros of Upgrading to a 5G Phone

Faster Speeds

5G networks are reshaping the digital world with their impressive speeds, far outpacing those of 4G LTE. Theoretically, 5G can reach stunning download speeds of up to 10 Gbps, a considerable leap from the 1 Gbps maximum offered by 4G. This shift promises transformative changes in digital engagement.

The enhanced speed of 5G facilitates quicker downloads, transforming what was once a time-consuming task under 4G into a matter of seconds. This efficiency extends to streaming services as well, allowing for smoother, uninterrupted high-definition viewing experiences.

Moreover, the online gaming sphere stands to benefit greatly from 5G's speed, enabling real-time gameplay with minimal lag, thus providing an immersive and seamless gaming experience.

However, remember that these are maximum theoretical speeds, and actual performance may vary due to factors like network coverage, device capabilities, and user volume. Nevertheless, the advent of 5G marks a significant leap in digital communication, heralding an era of high-speed digital interactions.

Lower Latency

5G also offers lower latency than 4G networks. Latency refers to the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer. A lower latency translates to a smoother experience, particularly for real-time applications like video calls and online gaming.


The concept of future-proofing is becoming increasingly critical as technology continues to evolve at a dizzying pace. The rise of 5G technology is a perfect example of this, as it is swiftly becoming the focal point of numerous technological advancements.

The continued emphasis on 5G implies a future where services and applications are optimized for its use, and where 4G networks may be left in the dust. This potential shift isn't merely about having faster internet or download speeds; it's about being able to fully participate in a future digital landscape that could be profoundly shaped by 5G technology.

From smart homes to autonomous vehicles, from telemedicine to virtual reality, many future technologies will likely leverage the high-speed, low-latency connectivity that 5G offers. As these technologies become more mainstream, having a 5G-enabled device could become more of a necessity than a luxury.

By investing in a 5G phone now, you're not just buying a device that can connect to a faster network; you're ensuring that you can fully engage with the host of new services, applications, and technologies that will be designed with 5G in mind. In this sense, purchasing a 5G phone can be seen as a form of future-proofing, an investment in readiness for the forthcoming wave of technological evolution.

However, it's essential to balance this potential future benefit with the current reality of 5G deployment, which is still in its early stages in many parts of the world. Future-proofing is a valuable concept, but its relevance to you depends on the current and near-term availability of 5G where you live and work.

The Cons of Upgrading to a 5G Phone

Limited Coverage

While 5G is undeniably faster and more efficient, its global coverage is still patchy. Many rural areas and even some urban areas do not yet have 5G coverage. Depending on where you live or frequently travel, you might not be able to take advantage of 5G speeds after upgrading your phone. Make sure you check whether you have 5G in your area before making the plunge and purchasing a new phone.


5G phones tend to be more expensive than their 4G counterparts. Furthermore, some mobile carriers charge extra for 5G plans. It's important to assess whether these additional costs will bring a tangible benefit to your daily life.

Battery Life

Early 5G phones have shown a tendency to consume battery power faster than 4G phones. This is because they need to maintain a connection with both 4G and 5G networks simultaneously. However, it is important to note that as technology improves, this issue is likely to become less significant.

So, Is It Worth It?

Deciding to make the jump to a 5G phone or sticking it out with your trusty 4G device is a pretty personal call. It really boils down to what your daily life looks like and what you need from your phone.

Are you living in an area where 5G is more than just a fancy billboard ad, and it's actually up and running? If that's a big yes and you're someone who's regularly downloading hefty files (think movies or games) or streaming high-definition videos (no more "potato quality" for you), then a 5G phone could genuinely change the game. Imagine lightning-fast downloads and buffer-less streaming. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Plus, if the price tag isn't something that's going to keep you up at night, then it might be the perfect time to make that leap into the fast-paced world of 5G.

But let's flip the coin. If 5G in your area is more of a hopeful whisper than a shout, or you're pretty chill with your current 4G speeds (they've served you well, right?), then you might want to hold your horses. Waiting it out until 5G has planted its roots more firmly and become more accessible (and potentially more affordable) might be the smart move.

In the end, it's all about doing a bit of homework and really thinking about what you need from your phone. 5G is an impressive piece of tech, no doubt about that. It's like a shiny new sports car. But whether it's worth trading in your reliable sedan for a spin in the fast lane is something only you can decide. It's your ride, after all. Make sure it suits your journey. If you decide on upgrading and you need a new 5G plan to go with your shiny new phone, have a look at SpinTel’s affordable mobile plans.

Image by starline on Freepik



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