Asterisk Setup
1. Open the shell and edit the following information:
Your sip number: (xxxxxx)
Password: Your sip password found in My Account
101: The Asterisk extension number that is connected to the softphone/IP phone
Standard setup example
Outgoing calls from the extension number 101 are routed to the trunk. Incoming calls are received by registration and are routed to extension number 101.
Editing sip.conf
[general] srvlookup=yes [xxxxxx] insecure=invite,port type=friend disallow=all allow=alaw allow=g729 dtmfmode=auto secret=password defaultuser=xxxxxx trunkname=xxxxxx fromuser=xxxxxx callbackextension=xxxxxx context=spintel-in qualify=400 directmedia=no nat=force_rport,comedia [101] ;the Asterisk extension number secret=password host=dynamic type=friend context=spintel-out
Incoming and outgoing routing can be set up in the extensions.conf file
exten => xxxxxx,1, Dial(SIP/101) ; all incoming calls from trunk xxxxxx are routed to extension number 101
exten => _XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) ; calls to 3-digit extension numbers of Asterisk
exten => _XXX.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@111111) ; calls to numbers with 4 digits or more using the trunk
The standard setup is complete.